10 cosplay spotted at Montreal Comiccon 2022

Last weekend was Montreal Comiccon. The first big convention in a damn long time. And it showed. There were a lot of people (really a lot!). And there was something special in the air. Clearly, people were happy to reunite after this long pandemic.

I went there for a little visit, to appreciate the costumes and the handmade creations in person. And I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you.

Here are ten costumes that caught my attention.

Skull Kid, by Sohvi_is_Crafty

First, I'm quite a fan of the Zelda universe, so when I saw this Skull Kid from afar, I was immediately charmed. What attracted me to this cosplay was the quality of the textures. The leaves around the neck, the wood of the hat and the mask, the shoes… everything is in foam. In addition, Sohvi is Crafty interprets the character particularly well, in her presence and her movements. Simply beautiful.

Skull Kid, par Sohvi_is_Crafty

A detail I really liked:

The bark of the arms and legs is made of foam clay using silicone molds (which are generally used for cakes). A fairly simple technique, but which gives such beautiful results.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, by Just_a_Random._Fangirl

The horror game series Silent Hill is already a few years old, but this fairly iconic character from the series is still a must-have. And it's always so impressive to meet him in convention, with his huge head and his gigantic sword. I like the female version of Just a Random Fangirl.

Pyramid Head, par just_a_random._fangirl

A detail I really liked:

The famous pyramid head is made of cardboard. Never underestimate cardboard. It's easy to work with, it's pretty sturdy. And, it's not expensive either.

Garrus from Mass Effect, by FolwFusion

I haven't played Mass Effect, but I love the game's sci-fi aesthetic and alien characters. The armor made by FowlFusion is in EVA foam and his weapon is 3D printed, there's even an integrated speaker with voice lines and lots of lights. I love this kind of costume that uses a lot of technique. Super impressive!

Garrus, par FowlFusion

A detail I really liked:

The helmet, very close to the face, with the textures, and articulated (with bearings!) to follow the jaw… Kudos! It's an awesome job.

Serge-18, by BizzCosplay

Dans une Galaxie près près de Chez vous. Do you know that show?

I really like it when cosplayers move away from the classics and go for characters that we expect a little (much) less. BizzCosplay really knew how to recreate the vibe of that cult show. I like all the upcycled elements (wiring, antenna, etc.) that are used on the costume.

Serge-18, par bizzcosplay

A detail I really liked:

The thibra. I haven't had the chance (or taken the time) to test this material yet, but BizzCosplay really made me want to try. In the series of thermoplastics (like worbla), Thibra becomes particularly soft and is really awesome for making textures or being molded with precision.

Bokoblin's hood, by Dominica Moya

Awe-some! I so spotted that big Bokoblin head from afar

If you haven't played Zelda, Breath of the Wild, you should know that it is possible, in the game, to buy hoods of different monsters to sneak among them without being spotted. And I really love these costumes! There's something about creating a costume of a costume that's really funny to me.

Dominica went for simplicity with a black outfit, to emphasize her beautiful big Boko head.

Bokoblin, par Dominica Moya

A detail I really liked:

The technique that Dominica used to make the pattern of her big head is very simple, but super effective. She sculpted a small Boko head, which she then covered with tape, to trace the different pieces, and then enlarged to make her giant head.

Lucca from Chrono Trigger, by Niko _Cosplay

I have so many fond memories of the Super Nintendo game Chrono Trigger. And among the playable characters, there was a girl with glasses, tinkerer. I don't need to tell you she was my favorite. I was really impressed by the attention to details of Niko Cosplay who was able to recreate every little element of the character.

Lucca, par Niko_Cosplay

A detail I really liked:

The leatherette is really well used here. The layers are doubled, the edges are painted. It's the kind of attention to detail that makes your faux leather look more natural.

Buzz Lightyear, by Pepe_Cosplay

To infinity, and beyond! A classic that never goes out of style. And a super well made costume by Pepe Cosplay. The suit is completely printed in PLA, except for the abdomen which is made of foam. A great achievement that brings me back to childhood.

Buzz Lightyear, par Pepe_Cosplay

A detail I really liked:

I'm mostly impressed by the patience behind 3D printed armor. The printing is long, that's for sure... but once your parts are printed, you have to assemble them (because they are often printed in several pieces), then sand them, sand them, and sand them again... and, obviously, paint, varnish, etc.

Despite the fact that the shape of the piece prints itself, there is a huge amount of work behind a 3D printed costume.

Okoye from the MCU, by Noeud Noir

I have a weakness for textures. So, obviously, the outfits of the Dora Milaje (the Royal Guard of Wakanda), really caught my eye for that reason. And Noeud Noir totally did justice to all that great texture on her Okoye costume. The wooden beads, the golden pauldron (made out of worbla), the iron on vinyl patterns on the shirt and pants, foam, cotton, metal... a work of art. Really!

Okoye, par Noeud_Noir

A detail I really liked:

Check out the incredible beadwork! The wooden beads on the top and front tabard are all assembled by hand. It took her 85 hours. A-ma-zing!

The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, by Z_Illusion_Cosplay

I like hats, and I like Tim Burton movies. It was clear that this Mad Hatter would caught my attention. The costume is entirely made by Z Illusion Cosplay. She sewed each piece using pattern she modified to make the design her own. I really like the variety of textures.

Mad Hatter, par X_Illusion_Cosplay

A detail I really liked:

The structure of his hat is simply made of cardboard. I repeat, cardboard is cool. 😉

Ursula, by Valinorian_Cosplay

I like “dresses in the style of”, like this cosplay where you really feel the Ursula vibe, without necessarily having the octopus tentacles and all. Valinorian Cosplay did a great job of recreating one of my favorite Disney villains. The skirt is made of an incredible amount of tulle (more than 60 meters!), and the volume is super well done.

Ursula, par Valinorian_Cosplay

A detail I really liked:

The headdress is made of real seashells… and must be so heavy. But the result is magnificent.

Finally, a few special mentions...

Jossycosplay who adapt her Belle cosplay to her maternity belly

Yumisadamoto for the barefoot look of her costume of The Artist from Dead by Daylight (she incorporated soles into her stockings)

Vivelamascarade for embarking on a major project with this Blood Elf, as her first foam armor.

Laurance for her awesome attitude as a mini Edward Scissorhand (so cute!)

Belle, par Jossycosplay The Artist (Yumisadamoto) + a survivor (Lacrimosacosplay) Blood elf, par Vivelamascarade Edward Scissorhands, par Laurence

There were lots of other awesome costumes, but also so many people that I couldn't photograph and talk to all the cosplayers.

I can't wait to see your creations at Otakuton! 😉

We'll talk soon.
in the meantime... Keep on crafting!
