Patron du legging de druide, by juliechantal
Patron du legging de druide, by juliechantal

Druid Leggings Pattern

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Regular price$10.00

This pattern will allow you to create your own druid leggings, like the character Keyleth, from the series The Legend of Vox Machina.

💜 This pattern is part of the DRUID BUNDLE in the Vox Machina collection

   This set contains 1 element:

  • Druid leggings pattern.

tailles diponibles  Sizes available:

  • The leggings pattern is offered in 6 sizes: X-Small to 2X-Large.

matériel recommandé  Suggested materials for patterns:

  • To create Keyleth's leggings, I used polyester jersey, stretch faux suede and stretch faux leather.

(more suggestions and required quantities in the instructions)

marche à suivre   Instructions for patterns including:

  • complete assembly instruction, with photos
  • information to understand how to read and prepare your pattern
  • French and English version


Our PDF patterns are available:

- In letter size (8½"x11") and in A4 size (210mm x 297mm), for printing easy at home.

- And in archE (36"x48") and A0 (841mm x 1189mm) formats. For large format printing at your local printer.

🤓 A tutorial is included to help you properly print and prepare your patterns before starting your project.

Out of respect for my work, it is forbidden to share or resell this product.

However, you can very well sell the creation you have made using this product. I'm just asking you to credit my work. 🖤

Feel free to tag me if you share your creations on social media.

✂ Instagram: @julie.chantal

✂ Facebook: @Julie-Chantal – costumes & accessories


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