patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal
patron de cape, by juliechantal

multi-purpose cape pattern

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Regular price$18.00
The cape is really an essential part of many costumes. But, depending on the costume style, the need may be different. 

Here is a pattern set including 3 cape models with interchangeable elements to multiply the possibilities.

With this pattern kit, you will be able to create the perfect cloak, no matter whether you are preparing an adventurer, wizard or even a vampire costume.

 This set contians 3 models:

  • The Classic Cape: It's a long, semicircular cape (so you can cover yourself up really well), with a round cap. Simply. This style fits pretty much any look.
  • The Playful Cape: It's a shorter version, but still just as enveloping. It has slits for the arms in the front, a small ruff and its hood is pointed. If you are planning a look inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, this is the perfect model.
  • The Dandy's Cape: This is the longest version (if you are very tall, you will like it). Again, a semicircular cape. But this time, a cape and a high collar. This model is perfect to complete a set rather inspired by Dracula.

✂ Interchange the elements of each cape to have up to 27 different models

      tailles diponibles Available size:

      Only one size is available for these capes. The neckline is adjustable and instructions for changing the length are included in the instructions.

        matériel recommandé Suggested materials:

        I recommend a wrinkle-resistant gabardine (really practical for a cape). Wool flannel or velvet are also great options.

        marche à suivre Procedure including:

        • complete assembly instruction, with photos
        • information to understand how to read your pattern
        • French and English version
          Size chart

          To take your measurements like a pro, I recommend you read my article on the subject. And get my free measurement sheet.

          Check the available sizes for each pattern on the listing product.

          Woman measurements - standard

          Patterns for skirts, dresses and cosplay of female characters are based on these measurements. 
          * The height is standardized at 5'7'' (a mini tutorial is included in the instructions to adjust the pattern in length if necessary).

          Women's measurements - corset (and+)

          Corset patterns (and some other items) require more precision in the cut. This is why the range of sizes offered is greater.

          Men / Unisex measurements

          Patterns of more unisex outfit are more often based on men's measurements.
          * The size is standardized at 5'10'' (a mini tutorial is included in the instructions to adjust the pattern in length if necessary).
          Most patterns come in sizes X-Small to 2X Large. Some patterns are also available in sizes up to 5X Large. The available sizes are mentioned on the product listing.
          *If you'd like a pattern in a size that isn't available, let me know. 🤓

          Kid measurements


          Baby measurements

          Hat measurements


          Our PDF patterns are available:

          - In letter size (8½"x11") and in A4 size (210mm x 297mm), for printing easy at home.

          - And in archE (36"x48") and A0 (841mm x 1189mm) formats. For large format printing at your local printer.

          🤓 A tutorial is included to help you properly print and prepare your patterns before starting your project.

          Out of respect for my work, it is forbidden to share or resell this product.

          However, you can very well sell the creation you have made using this product. I'm just asking you to credit my work. 🖤

          Feel free to tag me if you share your creations on social media.

          ✂ Instagram: @julie.chantal

          ✂ Facebook: @Julie-Chantal – costumes & accessories


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