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Here it is! The kid's version of the Jedi costume.
This is a slightly simplified version of my adult pattern. The children's version is still very faithful to the style of the films, while being faster to make.
Perfect for turning your minis into little Jedis!
Model details:
This model is available in 6 sizes: 2 years to 12 years
see size guide for more information
To make this costume, I recommend using cotton or linen for the tunic and woolen fabric for the robe. (more information in the procedure)
To take your measurements like a pro, I recommend you read my article on the subject. And get my free measurement sheet.
Check the available sizes for each pattern on the listing product.
Our PDF patterns are available:
- In letter size (8½"x11") and in A4 size (210mm x 297mm), for printing easy at home.
- And in archE (36"x48") and A0 (841mm x 1189mm) formats. For large format printing at your local printer.
🤓 A tutorial is included to help you properly print and prepare your patterns before starting your project.
Out of respect for my work, it is forbidden to share or resell this product.
However, you can very well sell the creation you have made using this product. I'm just asking you to credit my work. 🖤
Feel free to tag me if you share your creations on social media.
✂ Instagram: @julie.chantal
✂ Facebook: @Julie-Chantal – costumes & accessories
C’est la deuxième fois que j’achète un patron à Julie Chantal et à chaque fois c’est parfait !
Celui-ci est assez long à réaliser, mais le résultat en vaut vraiment la peine, je suis très contente, et mon petit-fils aussi 🥰
Un patron complet, ça change de devoir fouiller le net pour la cape et tous les détails... c'est clair, bien expliqué. J'ai utilisé des tons gris, gris foncé et noir pour en faire une version Sith. Pour le tabard, j'ai préféré faire une couture sur l'épaule de la tunique pour bien le fixer, je passe les pans de devant dans la ceinture et je le scratch derrière à la ceinture. Le rendu était au top, les enfants ont adoré et on a fait de belles photos pour le carnaval.
Merci !
This pattern was perfect! I was able to make a robe for my nephew who has just learned the ways of the force. He loved it and now his dad is jealous and wants one too lol the instructions were well written and easy to follow. I cannot wait to make more.